Get your wine, free your mind~ let's scribble about medicine and life!
Friday, October 10, 2008
[+/-] : Paris, la ville en rose ~ 花都巴黎
離開巴黎十三週之後,總算開始寫下這趟旅程的「回憶錄」,我也真是太會拖了= =
在出發以前,曾聽過許多種對於法國不同的描述:有人「曾」以為浪漫的法國是個連機場空氣都飄著花香的地方,到了當地才大失所望;有人則一提起在巴黎度過的浪漫蜜月,眼神就難以掩飾地放出光芒;也有不少人對法國人「I speak (only) French」的驕傲有切身之痛。在法國走馬看花短短的三週中,我發現她(La France是陰性)確實是這樣一個迷人有時候卻也挺討厭的地方,但每個城市也有自己的個性:巴黎的浪漫,馬賽的熱情,里昂的自信....後面幾個城市容我暫且不表,這邊先來說說巴黎。
下了飛機,在巴黎戴高樂機場迎接我的是個...恩,或許該說「很涼」的清晨,依稀記得是攝氏十幾度吧,讓我領到行李第一件事就是從大背包裡挖衣服XD 隨著交通車從機場一路駛進市區,古色古香的建築物是第一個抓住我視線的特色:一整排裝飾了花卉的陽台整齊地列在街道兩邊,石砌的(至少看起來是?)大樓與教堂似乎是從許多個世紀以前就屹立在那裡,瞬間讓我感覺到:「阿,這就是歐洲,這就是巴黎!」
巴黎,確實是這樣一個兼具美麗與浪漫的都市,但她的美也是因為有政府和人民的細心經營,例如市政府會固定有洗地車洗牆車(似乎是每天),而禁建的法令也執行的很徹底,光是要在原有的牆上多打一個窗戶都要申請= =所以建築師往往只能在原有的中世紀建築裡去修修補補,也造就了奇特的風格:走進深鎖的大門,會發現裡面格局很怪,沿著木製的樓梯螺旋而上,對門的兩個房間卻似乎不在同一個平面,有時候甚至三樓推開門是個淺淺的儲藏室,四樓同一個位置卻變成格局完整的住家,後門還可以通道隔壁棟去!
出於相同保存傳統的理由,「永遠有某一段在修(而且熱死人)但還算方便的地鐵」也是我覺得值得一提的巴黎印象。聽說是因為歐洲冬天很不容易進行修繕工程,所以我這趟歐洲行幾乎每個城市都會見到大大的吊車,而巴黎更是輪流有某一段地鐵在進行維修。即使如此,巴黎四通八達的交通網對自助旅行者來說仍是一大福音 - 只要你搞得懂它的計價系統= =
基本上它有週票(橘卡 carte d'orange,包括貼照片的身份卡和真正過站的小磁卡)、感應卡式的Navigo(類似悠遊卡但只能儲值月票或年票)、和單次計費的磁卡(直接在機器買);他們計費的方式也不同,將巴黎與近郊分成五大區,在一定的區內不論多遠價格都相同,所以買票前最重要的是確定起點和終點的分區,而上述週票或月票就是從該週一或該月的第一天開始可在限定區域內無限制搭乘。
巴黎的天氣溫差很大,中午熱到可以穿短袖小背心,但經過一個晚上的冷卻後夏天的早上可以低到攝氏十度甚至以下。很多人說很乾要帶乳液塗嘴唇,我來了之後發現其實護唇膏根本不是問題,這邊類似的藥妝產品又多又便宜(如La roche posay, vichy等之前去皮膚科老師推薦的名牌,一罐都在10-20歐左右...)真有需要來這裡買就行,反倒是在外面跑幾天下來真的很容易口渴,而且不是流汗而是連鼻孔都乾裂的蒸散作用!此時唯一的救星就是路旁的fondain(噴泉),看起來好像只是裝飾用,但其實我喝了N天證明一切正常~連小狗跟小鳥都可以一起跑來喝!
「法國料理」對很多人來說也是法式浪漫的標準象徵,但對於我這種手頭拮据的自助旅行者來說卻是「巴黎,食大不易」,隨便一個三道式的午餐(前菜 entrée、主菜 plat principal、甜點 dessert)就要25歐左右,而晚餐或米其林有冊封星星的更是可能超過一百歐!一般旅行者多半會選擇到超市買材料自己亂做(微波或烤箱料理其實也不少),不過因為我住的修道院(séminaire de St. sulpice,在第六區Monpartnase附近)有含午晚餐,所以每天中午和下午逼近用餐時間,我就像灰姑娘一樣趕著搭地鐵回修道院~進大門之後還不能直接前往餐廳,而是回房間換上長褲才能進餐廳~變成這趟巴黎行很特別的一個經驗^^!
每天的菜餚都是法國家常菜,如coque monsieur(蛋烤土司夾上火腿跟奶油), ile flodant(蛋白發泡凝結變成蛋糕狀,浮在果汁糖漿裡)、燉牛肉、烤雞翅等,配上超長條法式麵包(三餐都只有這個當主食...而且放硬了之後我懷疑可以敲昏人= =)和無限供應的紅酒(國慶日那天午餐是香檳!)。一般是一群人坐在像哈利波特描寫的長桌兩邊用餐,需要拿菜時請旁邊人遞過來,但如果無法準時回來用餐,可以事先申請延後用餐(我時常這麼做...),這時候廚房就會將餐點留在桌上,通常都超過一人份,所以我就會很貪小便宜的吃得很滿足XD
to be continued -- L'île de Paris 巴黎之島(巴黎近郊巴比松與分區介紹)...
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Friday, September 19, 2008
[+/-] : 最後一個夏天的燦爛 - 法國瑞士七週自助交換行
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這是一篇遲到十個禮拜的網誌,而且還是因為眼科門診不希望我們太早去打擾老師才一時興起研究了一番google map的成果XD 總算是找到把地圖放網誌上的方法了!(比想像中簡單太多了...純粹是之前沒有好好看說明的關係= =)所以就很高興的來po文~
交通上主要靠火車,不過因為發現事先定票比拿歐鐵卷稍微便宜,所以忍痛犧牲了自由性~不過說提前其實也沒有提前多少,大概是從大五結束六月中左右開始著手吧XD 所以有些旅館還真是趕在最後幾個位子訂到,有些青年旅館更是額滿。基本上Hostel-international卡可辦可不辦,因為每個城市參與此聯盟的多半只有一兩家(但每家都很大),而最後緊急要訂時往往要另外找獨立經營的青年旅館(價錢不見得較貴),供大家參考。
基本介紹就暫時先到這,之後將以城市為單位,主題式的介紹一些故事和旅行資訊,希望能幫助到想拜訪這些城市的網友們~ ^^
to be continued...
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
[+/-] : ( No Title )
Putain !!
le site à continué me demande de "clarifier" ma destination autant que le gare de Lausanne c'est juste "Lausanne"!!! Ne rien d'autre ! F*ck les bete-tête engenérie de la site ! Merde !
et j'ai accune idee comment je peux reserver ma TGV entre Dijon et Lausanne, parce que tous les site de reservation sont re-directé a cette site officiele....
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le site à continué me demande de "clarifier" ma destination autant que le gare de Lausanne c'est juste "Lausanne"!!! Ne rien d'autre ! F*ck les bete-tête engenérie de la site ! Merde !
et j'ai accune idee comment je peux reserver ma TGV entre Dijon et Lausanne, parce que tous les site de reservation sont re-directé a cette site officiele....
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
[+/-] : Jason Clerk's Channel - the chimerism of me
This is not going to be written in English, cauz i'm sort of lazy right now... except for the briefing of my life recently ^^"
After a whole-long semester of clerkship, taking rotation between stations and departments, I've finally finished my course in surgery department today. Though there are still 2 more exams next week, today still marks a special moment, which signifies the "opening" of my very last summer vacation Q_Q.... (sigh~) oh my good old days as a kid and student ~
So it may not be surprised to find that almost all my classmates are planning eagerly for their summer XD. This summer, I'm going to take the exchange program of SCOPE-IFMSA to Lausanne, Switzerland during the Aug., and a trip in advance around France. Besides, I"ve also joined the medical service team of my college of medicine, which is going to the southern Taiwan into the mountains during early July - after accompanying my younger sister for her university entrance exam on July 2nd & 3rd. So far I've still lagging behind in the lodgement, itinerary in detail, background story of bless me, my friends ^^
If any of u would love to receive a postcard from Europe, just leave me a message and your address here~
==== switch to Chinese channel ====
註:chimera, 原意為「嵌合體」,生物學上意指因為某種原因身上有染色體組合不同的好幾種細胞,例如花狗,像鑲嵌畫一樣同時有著不同的元素。
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After a whole-long semester of clerkship, taking rotation between stations and departments, I've finally finished my course in surgery department today. Though there are still 2 more exams next week, today still marks a special moment, which signifies the "opening" of my very last summer vacation Q_Q.... (sigh~) oh my good old days as a kid and student ~
So it may not be surprised to find that almost all my classmates are planning eagerly for their summer XD. This summer, I'm going to take the exchange program of SCOPE-IFMSA to Lausanne, Switzerland during the Aug., and a trip in advance around France. Besides, I"ve also joined the medical service team of my college of medicine, which is going to the southern Taiwan into the mountains during early July - after accompanying my younger sister for her university entrance exam on July 2nd & 3rd. So far I've still lagging behind in the lodgement, itinerary in detail, background story of bless me, my friends ^^
If any of u would love to receive a postcard from Europe, just leave me a message and your address here~
==== switch to Chinese channel ====
註:chimera, 原意為「嵌合體」,生物學上意指因為某種原因身上有染色體組合不同的好幾種細胞,例如花狗,像鑲嵌畫一樣同時有著不同的元素。
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Monday, April 21, 2008
[+/-] : Jason Clerk's Channel! ~ I should have been preparing..
Clerk means clerkship in my school hospital, as the 5th grade and 1st year to stray around in the hospital, and Channel means a window to talk about some stupid or serious things about my life. ^^
well, recently, i'm taking my final 9-week-course in surgical department, and my days and nights are simply full of something we call PBL(problem-based learning) session. My classmates and I are asked to pick a clinical case, find topics from his/her disease course, and search for references on our own. It's interesting, to be honest, but also tiring when there's like 5-6 cases in one week ...(thouhg we share within group, we'r still overloaded)
However, we classmates don't really work that hard. We still spend many time making fun of each others, while we'r so bored waiting for classes or searching for journal articles. We even have started a new trend playing computer games "age of emperor II" - which is rather an old game. That's what the subtitle of this article is about: i should have been preparing for my interview for exchange program (and many other things), but i simply would love to play games...(confessing as a child caught by his parents.... XD)
Since my last course was in internal medicine, I also want to mention something interesting here in NTUH in these two dept. While surgeon spend most of their days in the operation room( therefore hold morning meeting really early in the morning...) and usually wouldn't start "producing notes" until 8-9pm, internalist seems to spend most time in the station, recording pt's data, and still can't go home until 8-9pm.... So it's not surprising to find out some 3-to-4-line notes here in surgical dept. It's hard to say who's the better idea, but i think i would find a balance in between ^^...
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well, recently, i'm taking my final 9-week-course in surgical department, and my days and nights are simply full of something we call PBL(problem-based learning) session. My classmates and I are asked to pick a clinical case, find topics from his/her disease course, and search for references on our own. It's interesting, to be honest, but also tiring when there's like 5-6 cases in one week ...(thouhg we share within group, we'r still overloaded)
However, we classmates don't really work that hard. We still spend many time making fun of each others, while we'r so bored waiting for classes or searching for journal articles. We even have started a new trend playing computer games "age of emperor II" - which is rather an old game. That's what the subtitle of this article is about: i should have been preparing for my interview for exchange program (and many other things), but i simply would love to play games...(confessing as a child caught by his parents.... XD)
Since my last course was in internal medicine, I also want to mention something interesting here in NTUH in these two dept. While surgeon spend most of their days in the operation room( therefore hold morning meeting really early in the morning...) and usually wouldn't start "producing notes" until 8-9pm, internalist seems to spend most time in the station, recording pt's data, and still can't go home until 8-9pm.... So it's not surprising to find out some 3-to-4-line notes here in surgical dept. It's hard to say who's the better idea, but i think i would find a balance in between ^^...
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Friday, April 4, 2008
[+/-] : A lazy person as I am...
it's impressive that I have grown up used to stuff myself with so many things
it' not only curiosity, but greedy, i guess.
大三大四其實也有好些故事,不過在這裡就暫且不述。標題其實是因為這學年開始進入臨床實習後,深深覺得我是個懶散的人,遇到週末除非必要幾乎都懶懶得只想好好補眠打電腦跟看電視;矛盾的是,這個「必要」兩個字卻至少已經讓我過去一個半月以來沒有那個週末是沒事的XD 真是相當矛盾的個性~
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it' not only curiosity, but greedy, i guess.
大三大四其實也有好些故事,不過在這裡就暫且不述。標題其實是因為這學年開始進入臨床實習後,深深覺得我是個懶散的人,遇到週末除非必要幾乎都懶懶得只想好好補眠打電腦跟看電視;矛盾的是,這個「必要」兩個字卻至少已經讓我過去一個半月以來沒有那個週末是沒事的XD 真是相當矛盾的個性~
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
[+/-] : tonight...let's talk about politics...
It's kind of rare for me to talk about politics, let along in english - since this article is for my foreigh friends who can't read chinese. In only one week from now, we are going to elect a new president, among two candidates and parties with very different "personality", and who probably, is having a role in determining another decade of Taiwan's future.
When it comes to voting, we shall never forget scandals and...uh, policies. Recently, I've been discussing with some classmates about a policy proposed to acknowledge the scholar certificate of colleges in mainland China, and thus permitting students to come to Taiwan competing for job opportunities. Doctor and lawyers are included, and that starts a whole big issue among some med. students.
it's a complex issue concerning all different ideas like shall government protect their citizens no matter what? how can we keep a safe distance between china, who still considers "regrouping" Taiwan into its territory? fear for doctors fluxing into Taiwan and lowering our medical quality (and payment), and certainly some true or prejudged assumption of mainland's economical/ social conditions.
but I personally think it's necessary, though may be painful, for Taiwan to face the competitive reality.
if u can't beat your enemy, join him, and always be aware, be tough enough that him will not dare touch u. As a pragmatist, this is what i believe. On contrary to the "Taiwan-first, Taiwan-best" emotion so exploited these years, i know China is not at all a kind neighbor, but neither someone we can fight with. There's too huge differences in no matter population, resources, authority power...that Taiwan can never compensate with hard work. I do appreciate the democracy in Taiwan, though a bit chaos, but i think we don't enter the UN with just some champagne in NY or some advertisement here in Taiwan.
back to my point: now that the economic evolution in China seems to inevitably affecting the world, Taiwan have to think globally, like Singapore, rather than focusing so much on local values. The latter is important, but so far have become a obsession. Taiwan need to live and think in an international scenerio, otherwise would be isolated someday from this "international game", and we are late already....
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When it comes to voting, we shall never forget scandals and...uh, policies. Recently, I've been discussing with some classmates about a policy proposed to acknowledge the scholar certificate of colleges in mainland China, and thus permitting students to come to Taiwan competing for job opportunities. Doctor and lawyers are included, and that starts a whole big issue among some med. students.
it's a complex issue concerning all different ideas like shall government protect their citizens no matter what? how can we keep a safe distance between china, who still considers "regrouping" Taiwan into its territory? fear for doctors fluxing into Taiwan and lowering our medical quality (and payment), and certainly some true or prejudged assumption of mainland's economical/ social conditions.
but I personally think it's necessary, though may be painful, for Taiwan to face the competitive reality.
if u can't beat your enemy, join him, and always be aware, be tough enough that him will not dare touch u. As a pragmatist, this is what i believe. On contrary to the "Taiwan-first, Taiwan-best" emotion so exploited these years, i know China is not at all a kind neighbor, but neither someone we can fight with. There's too huge differences in no matter population, resources, authority power...that Taiwan can never compensate with hard work. I do appreciate the democracy in Taiwan, though a bit chaos, but i think we don't enter the UN with just some champagne in NY or some advertisement here in Taiwan.
back to my point: now that the economic evolution in China seems to inevitably affecting the world, Taiwan have to think globally, like Singapore, rather than focusing so much on local values. The latter is important, but so far have become a obsession. Taiwan need to live and think in an international scenerio, otherwise would be isolated someday from this "international game", and we are late already....
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
[+/-] : 新居落成?
welcome to my blog, my friends ^^
et peu-être le français ?
圖片也真夠囧的了 ,這裡有一把海星好便宜的~
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