之前的札記提到有個病人因為warfarin overdose結果LGI bleeding下ICU,痛定思痛,決定把查到的AHA guideline好好讀一遍。雖然讀完後仍感到很無奈:用電腦程式輔助計算劑量,還有嚴密追蹤使INR保持在目標範圍內,還是免不了有人會流血 - 而家屬還是不會諒解。不過至少安了自己的良心吧 (ㄟ?有這東西嗎)
之前有朋友反應都不知道網誌在寫什麼XD 這篇主要還是偏學術筆記導向,不過參考資料多找了中文,希望可以讓一般網友有所收穫。
AHA/ACC 2003 Guideline (Free fulltext)
中文衛教資料 (成大)
先來複習藥理學... (pharmocodynamics & pharmacokinetics)
大家應該都知道這個基本概念:warfarin會抗拮維他命K,使得肝臟製造的第II、VII、IX、X凝血因子減少,因而產生抗凝血效果。不過認真讀了paper,才發現有一個重點是我們臨床上常忽略的(右圖):它抗拮的直接標的是維他命K代謝途徑(CYP2C9)中的兩個還原酶,且其中一個的親和力遠大於另一個。由於食物提供的維他命K常是還原態的Vit KH2,因此可以直接跳過整個抑制作用;這個圖也解釋了為何臨床上遇到過量的病人給vit-K1會有不錯的效果。
藥物動力學上,warfarin口服後生體可用率高,90分鐘後血中濃度達到高峰,半生期約36-42小時,血中會和albumin結合,長期使用會累積在肝臟。其抗凝血能力(anticoagulant)和上述凝血因子有關,約1-3天產生效果(三個半衰期後);溶解血栓能力(antithrombotic)則和Prothrombin(factor II)較有關,而後者半衰期約60-72小時。
如何監測?(what to monitor)
先來看看INR的公式:INR = (patient PT/mean normal PT)ISI
我過去一直以為INR代表的就是依照各醫院Lab校正後,這個人凝血時間大約是一般人平均凝血時間的幾倍。直到我看完這篇網誌和找出這個公式,才發現這個在次方位的ISI大有玄機:基本上它代表的是醫院lab用來引發coagulantion cascade的反應劑(多為phospholipid、tissue factor等)的純度指標,越純的越接近1,越不純的越大。
假如我們用的反應劑不太純,則同樣的樣本拿去用較純的反應劑做試驗,patient PT/mean control PT事實上會變大(分子分母皆變小),意即我們測出來的比值是「低估」的。如果依照低估的比值去提高warfarin的量,就會發生過量的慘劇,因而產生了INR這個矯正方式。反過來說,當我們看到INR超過10甚至20,也代表這病人流血的風險真的很大...
劑量怎麼給?(practical dosing protocol)
重點在於:不要使用loading dose!前面花這麼長篇幅講藥理學為的就是帶出這件事,因為其抗凝血功能約1-3天才會出現,抗血栓則更久,而且容易累積在肝臟,因此許多trial已證明使用loading dose並不會比較快,反而增加流血風險。
依照這份美國的guideline,建議是從每天0.5顆(2.5mg)到1顆開始,逐漸加上去,直到達到therapeutic range。因為抗凝血效果要3-5天才穩定,因此一開始建議併用heparin或LMWH。剛開始可以每天測INR,連續3個dose後至少要追蹤一次。如果過高做法可參考後面處理overdose的準則。
出血了!! 怎麼辦?(Reverse warfarin overdose)
- When the INR is above the therapeutic range but <5, the patient has not developed clinically significant bleeding, and rapid reversal is not required for surgical intervention, the dose of warfarin can be reduced or the next dose omitted and resumed (at a lower dose) when the INR approaches the desired range.
- If the INR is between 5 and 9 and the patient is not bleeding and has no risk factors that predispose to bleeding, the next 1 or 2 doses of warfarin can be omitted and warfarin reinstated at a lower dose when the INR falls into the therapeutic range. Alternatively, the next dose of warfarin may be omitted and vitamin K1 (1 to 2.5 mg) given orally. This approach should be used if the patient is at increased risk of bleeding.
- When more rapid reversal is required to allow urgent surgery or dental extraction, vitamin K1 can be given orally in a dose of 2 to 5 mg, anticipating reduction of the INR within 24 hours. An additional dose of 1 or 2 mg vitamin K can be given if the INR remains high after 24 hours.
- If the INR is >9 but clinically significant bleeding has not occurred, vitamin K1, 3 to 5 mg, should be given orally, anticipating that the INR will fall within 24 to 48 hours. The INR should be monitored closely and vitamin K repeated as necessary.
- When rapid reversal of anticoagulation is required because of serious bleeding or major warfarin overdose (eg, INR >20), vitamin K1 should be given by slow intravenous infusion in a dose of 10 mg, supplemented with transfusion of fresh plasma or prothrombin complex concentrate, according to the urgency of the situation. It may be necessary to give additional doses of vitamin K1 every 12 hours.
- In cases of life-threatening bleeding or serious warfarin overdose, prothrombin complex concentrate replacement therapy is indicated, supplemented with 10 mg of vitamin K1 by slow intravenous infusion; this can be repeated, according to the INR. If warfarin is to be resumed after administration of high doses of vitamin K, then heparin can be given until the effects of vitamin K have been reversed and the patient again becomes responsive to warfarin.
簡單來說,就是口服小劑量(1-2.5mg) 比肌肉或皮下注射都可靠,24-48小時內INR就會接近正常,如果隔天追蹤仍高可以重複給一次,之後有需要加回去則比照起始劑量。如果要求快速,可以給IV vit-K1或FFP,不過前者使用後一段時間會對warfarin產生抗性。
惡名昭彰的交互作用... (drug-drug interaction)
坦白說,這個藥真的是難用出名,米國人也不是什麼特別有耐性的民族,因此他們想出了一個全新的解決辦法: dabigatran !! 只不過依照健保目前這個勢態,這個藥什麼時候會想不開要進來台灣市場還是個謎...往好處想,至少這代表我費心打完這篇文章還有存活的價值 XD
很難, 看不懂。得再找時間仔細研究。畢竟我正在服用warfarin...
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